
Fail Squad succeeds at BlizzCon

Fail Squad of Lightninghoof (US-H) planned its first anniversary (just past -- grats, guys!) and BlizzCon bash in style. Members rented a vacation house just two blocks from the convention center, where 13 guildies converged for a weekend of food, gaming, strolling back and forth to the con, celebrating the honeymoon of two guildmates (more grats!), and hanging out.

Fail Squad is a youngish guild of friends who've slowly and naturally coalesced throughout years of World of Warcraft. The guild's two 10-man teams, which started out in ICC, enjoy a friendly in-game rivalry in today's content. Their unquenchable team spirit shows through in the top-notch guild shirts they wore with pride throughout BlizzCon, featuring original art from guild member Amber Franklin.

Chatting it up with Chatcon

Not every group gathering at BlizzCon this year are actual guilds. Blaargh's Chatcon group met four years ago in a chat room bonding over goings-on on the official forums. This year, the group has something like 100 friends ("members"? "chataholics"?) scattered across BlizzCon.

At one point, the group had a loose guild running in game, but for now remains at less organized ends. The sprawling group keeps in www.bookwowgold.com touch via a Facebook page, and of course they hang out in their chat room while they're playing -- even former players who aren't actually subbed to World of Warcraft anymore.

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