
By the Way! I’m Back. Sort of.

It's occurred to me that I've announced this pretty much everywhere BUT here, so I thought I'd announce this here in case you've missed it and are interested…

*clears throat*

I have a new video game oriented blog, called The Android's Closet. (Yes, it's like my fourth or fifth blog. I know, I know.) This is not WoW-centric (or any other game -centric) by any means, but unless I make a truly serious return to WoW in the future, any future WoW rambles will probably be over there and not over here.

Oh, and! The blog is being co-written by me and <a href="http://www.flywowgold.com">wow gold</a> one Mister Adequate, aka "The New Boy" (long and lovely story, that! But I digress), so be sure to say hello to him if you do decide to swing by!

Anyways, that's about it! You're welcome to follow me over there if you'd like to continue watching me filibuster at length about various games– I'd love to see you! If not, thank you for being here and reading and following along with my WoW adventures for all these years. I can't say whether or not this particular blog will return, but my memories of both the game and this blog are fond ones and won't be forgotten.

read more:

<A href="http://cheapestwow.wordpress.com">http://cheapestwow.wordpress.com</A>

