
The WoW Schools Gold Cap Course has been taken by many professional gamers and gold-making

<P>The WoW Schools Gold Cap Course has been taken by many professional gamers and gold-making enthusiasts around the world! You've probably seen other gold-making solutions available on the market. This course is not simply another gold guide or strategy book; it is THE building blocks to becoming good at making gold. Have you ever looked at another gold making product and thought...wow how does this person know so much? Well, the answer is simple, most of them have taken our gold-cap course. This course teaches you how to get the gold cap, which is currently 214,748 gold, step-by-step in easy to follow lesson plans. Reaching Gold Cap...You will be amazed when you sign up for this course, you'll never understand how you got along without it. Did I mention it has a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee? There is absolutely no risk to you in downloading this course, you WILL BE satisfied!</P>
<P>Most people think making gold is easy. We see it all the time, "If you want to have "lots" of gold then go farm here or do this super simple thing." Not only are these solutions coming from people who do not have a lot of gold, they are downright dangerous. They say the worst advice is free advice; if making gold was so easy, everyone would have a lot. You'll also notice that most of these players say take your level 80 and go do these daily quests, or go farm these mobs, well even though those are poor strategies to make a lot of gold and take up a lot of your free-time; what about the lower level players?</P>
<P>Obviously, you've played World of Warcraft enough to know that making gold is never easy at any level; whether you farm, do instances, or do quests, you're always wondering if there is a better way. Well...there is! The WoW Schools gold cap course has only one requirement, "You must have a World of Warcraft account or know someone who does" That's right, you can get gold cap, on a level 1, in fact we highly recommend you do it that way in the lessons. Why spend all your time leveling to 80 just to make gold? </P>
<P>Here is a sneak preview of what you will learn. This isn't even a fraction of the things that are included in this course, but important things we feel the need to touch on so you know what you can expect to get.</P>
<P>How to Use In-Game Addons: Think you already know right? Hah, don't worry most people say they do too. Yet, they spend countless hours on the Internet looking for gold making strategies. Wonder why that is? Yep, you've guessed it! They don't really know what some of these addons actually do and they especially don't know how to use them. In reality, these people who claim they use these addons, aren't really using them to any capacity. We will tell you exactly how to use each addon and all the secret tricks involved with each one!</P>
<P>Go From 0 Gold to 100 in a less than 1 hour of played time, no Level 80s: You will go from 0 to 100 gold, in less than an hour once you start implementing the things you learn in the lessons. If you already have 100 gold or more GREAT! This is just a sneak peak at how in depth our course really is. It starts you from scratch, absolutely 0 gold, and brings you to gold cap in just 7 detailed lessons. If you have some gold, it will take you even less time to reach gold cap.</P>
<P>Go from 1,000 Gold to 20,000 Gold: The more gold you have the easier and quicker you will reach gold cap. You will go from 1,000 to 20,000 gold in a matter of weeks by logging in for 20 minutes a day. If you want to get there faster, you can log in for a longer period of time, but we don't want to stress you out. Once you understand the lessons of this course and have mastered them, there are no limits. You might be at gold cap in the first week, but we like to keep our courses and time commitments reasonable for casual players.</P>
<P>The Real Way Players have Gotten to Gold Cap:</P>
<P>I'm sure you've heard it all before! "I got to gold cap by using this guide that I wrote" or "I got to gold cap by following these strategies". Don't be ridiculous, most of you have seen these claims and you've also bought the guides out there that make them. And if you're like the average person, you've also been heavily disappointed to find out that it's absolutely ridiculous and impossible to reach gold cap following the strategies they recommend, much less acquire any reasonable amount of gold. Ever wonder why that is? As a freebie, we are going to tell you! If these players revealed to you how they actually got to gold cap, they wouldn't be able to sell their guide.<BR>Learn From Us!</P>
<P>You see, they want you to buy their product, convince you that it worked for them, and when you fail (which you will) they want you to feel like it's your fault and you didn't follow their strategies properly, etc. This is absolutely not acceptable, we don't stand for it, and you shouldn't either. They got to gold cap using the strategies like the ones in this gold cap course, end of story, plain and simple. These strategies continually change as the game changes, notice how gold guides don't? Our gold cap course is always up to date, if it's not then we take it offline and update it. If it's available, it's updated. We will never allow you to get a course from us that is not up to date, unlike some gold guide sellers.</P>

<P><A href="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/member.php/340739-luomr">http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/member.php/340739-luomr</A><BR><A href="http://www.youfreeweb.com/iyst/">http://www.youfreeweb.com/iyst/</A><BR><A href="http://iystwowgold.blog.ca/2011/05/23/psychology-in-world-of-warcraft-s-new-gear-advancement-system-11195620/">http://iystwowgold.blog.ca/2011/05/23/psychology-in-world-of-warcraft-s-new-gear-advancement-system-11195620/</A><BR><A href="http://iystwowgold.zoomshare.com/2.shtml">http://iystwowgold.zoomshare.com/2.shtml</A></P>

